The “Terroir” of Hungarian Wines! The environmental factors…

The Boksay Vineyard in the Badascony/Lake Balaton region of Hungary is the perfect example of the new meaning of terroir as it relates to new Old World wines! Terroir is defined as the set of environmental factors that affect the grape crops in a particular area and that contribute to the taste of the wine. The climate, soil, terrain and tradition are the main elements.

The climate of the Boksay Vineyard and the Badacsony wine region is benefited from the sub-Mediterranean lake effect of Lake Balaton. Thus it produces full-bodied wine with high acidity, such as the Pinot Gris grape, known to Hungarians as Szürkebarát.

The soil and terrain of the Boksay Vineyard in the Badacsony region is again special as it is situated on the southern side of Mount St. George, on hills of ancient volcanic soil. The mineral content in the volcanic soil provides the acidic flavor found in most of the wines. The dry Riesling produced in this area is very unique and high in magnesium. The Kéknyelű grape, grown by the Boksay Vineyard, is indigenous to this area and flourishes in this soil and terrain.

Tradition although a human aspect is acknowledged for the way the wine of the regions is produced, such as the Old World wine methods of cultivating and fermenting the wine. The Boksay Vineyard has grown grapes and produced wine since the 1860’s and their wine maker who is from this area has used the time tested techniques to produce the best wine from these nationally protected grapes.

I have included an article on the meaning of terroir from Wine Folly, which gives you a more general definition.

In understanding the terroir of the Boksay Vineyard’s region, I can understand better why their wine has unique flavors and I can appreciate its quality even more.

Please check back for more interesting facts and stories, as I blog about Hungary and explore its wine now.

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